The age of the ´new man` dawned more than two decades ago yet man, in all his wisdom, persists in seeing this shining age of equality between men and women through his own rose coloured RayBans.
So many men consider themselves to be creatures of a modern age because they put out the garbage or wash a few dishes. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth. Modern families struggle to earn enough cash to support three or four children, put two cars in the driveway out of necessity because mother has to be able to drive to work, and pay the mortgage; a great deal of this finance is contributed by wifey-poo.
Load Balancing
The days when men reserved the bread winning role exclusively have long gone. Nowadays women hold down professional working roles alongside their domestic obligations with ruthless efficiency and most of them would not even consider back pedalling to the days when they were a stay at home Mum.
So what is the problem? Division of labour is the problem. Men still believe themselves to be exempt from certain chores, using the excuse ´ah, well, that´s women´s work` or ´well you see she does it so much better than me.`
The standard routine of a working woman´s day will include waking the children, cooking their breakfast, dressing the children, feeding the family pets, washing the dishes, loading the washing machine, preparing packed school lunches and organising lifts to the school bus or even driving the kids all the way to school.
The routine for her husband, on the other hand, will entail hauling himself out of bed, eating his breakfast, getting washed and dressed and heading out of the door without a thought for the chaos his wife is trying to pull into order in the kitchen.
This lady will then go to work herself and put in a full day, just like her husband. Only when he is thinking about heading for home, she has to collect the children and then brave supermarket queues before finally arriving on the doorstep, hoping for a ten minute rest before cooking supper.
So many of these valiant ladies get through this killing routine every single day, then tackle a large pile of ironing on the weekend while Mr Helpful is slaving over a hot golf club.
It is about time modern men reviewed the situation and did a little time and motion study. Most of those with even limited intelligence will realise their wives are carrying too heavy a load and need a little help.
The Balance of Equality Between Men and Women
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